Bonomo Candy Building



The purpose of this website is not to go over the history of Bonomo Candy, but to preserve what is left that indicates what used to be here.


Being brought up in Trump Village, what was called Section four, buildings 6 and 7, once a year, we used to have block parties.  The Bonomo Candy Factory used to send over a couple of cases of candy for the kids.


While the building still stands, it is now part furniture store, the rest is city government agencies.


On West 8th street, across the street from Luna Park housing, still stands the building that was Bonomo Candy Factory.  The building is towards the north end of West 8th Street, next to what was the Mangels Amusement ride factory, now the DMV office.


In telling the story how candy is made, this first photo shows us the raw ingredients used, natural flavors



Here we see apples, pineapples, eggs, oranges, walnuts, grapes, and strawberries, amongst other things.



The next photo represents the manufacturing process.



Here we see the ingredients weighed, cooked, heated.


The final image is the final product, the candy J